Not a typo. You know that wacky hairpie you get after an intense love-making session? Yeah. That's what I'm talking about.
It was just one of those mornings. I--very reluctantly--woke up at 6:30am this morning (ick, I know,) seriously considering calling in sick (okay, fine--tired.) But then I came to my senses and decided that it wasn't worth the lost income.
So, I stumbled to the bathroom and took a shower. Usually after a shower, I'm wide awake and ready for the day. This morning, this was not the case. I went back to bed, with the intention of resting my eyes for 15 minutes or so. My better half had other ideas. (We don't refer to them as our 'better half' without reason, you know.)
Enter: sex hair. Obviously I was running late, so I slapped some makeup on and rushed to work, sans Tim Horton's. NOT cool. All the morning sex in the world couldn't make up for a morning at work without coffee.
....okay, that's a giant lie. But coffee is pretty much an essential for me. Even though I was feeling unusually chipper, preparing myself for a caffeine-free morning kind of put a damper on things.
Hubby to the rescue again!
A good man would never let his woman suffer the strife of early mornings without coffee. So it goes.
Not only was I lucky enough to have his beautiful self deliver me a coffee, but because it's 'Rrrroll Up the Rrrrim' time, I won a free donut.
Fucking. Score.
A free donut, to which I treated myself after a hard day of work.
This is the anatomy of a good day.
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