Thursday, April 1, 2010

the quest for 10,000 pages.

When I worked at Chapters two years ago, it was nothing for me to read a new book every week. It was basically an occupational hazard. A customer would purchase a book with an intriguing cover; I'd spot a co-worker reading a neat looking book; or I'd just walk by a shelf, and a cover would catch my eye. Between these things, and feeling a need to be able to make a variety of book recommendations to customers and friends, my nose was constantly stuck in a book. And now I feel like I've been slacking in a major way. When I read,  my brain feels exercised. Since I haven't read anything substantial (the Twilight Saga does not count,) my brain literally feels like mush. I can almost feel it slowing down and tiring more easily. I'm 22. That is so not a good sign.

So, to remedy this mollification, I've created a quest for myself: read 10,000 pages by September 1st, 2010. Starting...NOW.

But I kind of need your help. I've been out of the game for too long, and I need some recommendations. And I'm down for anything. Fiction (fantasy, sci-fi, etc) and non-fiction (memoirs, biographies, anything related to the social sciences, etc) suggestions are all great.

I LOVE books about food and food culture (as you can see from the list I've already compiled for myself) so any recommendations similar to these are more than welcome.

What are YOU reading right now? / Which books are you planning to read this summer?
Tweet me your suggestions @ellebetz

Thanks! Happy bookworming!


  1. Sorry I know it's a cliche, but Stieg Larrson. I think you'd really like Girl with the Dragon Tattoo but maybe not. That's my recommendation. THe first one is hard to get into because of all the family details but stick with it, it's worth it.

  2. I've always wanted to read that book! I think it was adapted to film too, wasn't it? I'm definitely adding that one. I've had a few people tell me that I would like it. Thanks :)
